Main Title

This place is nothing but a collection about a girl. Throughout the past three years in which I have been on Neocities (R.I.P nekopyon), I have found myself stuck and unable to move forward. I have also undergone many changes in the past year and I felt that it would be fitting to start over and rebrand as hospitalwife.

Hospitals are places for healing, and I feel that I have been healing and improving as a person after I began becoming closer to God. For me, the church is my hospital. As for the 'wife' part, it represents my yearning for eternal love. My dream in this life is to marry the person I love and begin a family, whoever that may be. These past few months have made me more hopeless and desperate for true love and the life I dream of, but I know things will change with time. ❦

Enough said, please take your time and have a look around!

This place is best viewed on 1920 x 1080 display! This place is still under construction, so be weary of unfinished pages and broken links. I am still relatively new to programming, apologies for any errors of sorts. None of the graphics on this site belong to me, please contact me for removal.

@ hospitalwife 2024

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